BitTap Liquidation and Forced Liquidation Risk Control Explanation
On the BitTap futures trading platform, liquidation and forced liquidation are crucial processes for risk management. To protect users’ funds, BitTap has designed a series of risk control measures to handle extreme market conditions, reduce the risk of forced liquidation, and ensure transparency and stability in trading. Below is a detailed explanation of BitTap’s liquidation and forced liquidation risk management: 1. Liquidation Mechanism Liquidation refers to the process in which traders settle or close their held contracts after opening a position. Liquidation can result from either manual actions, such as a user choosing to liquidate to realize profit or stop a loss, or automatic actions by the platform under certain conditions (such as triggering forced liquidation). The liquidation mechanism at BitTap is designed to ensure traders close their positions at the right time to avoid further losses. 1.1 Voluntary Liquidation Users can voluntarily liquidate their positions based on mar...